With the new year quite literally around the corner, you may have already started your resolutions list for next year, but did you know only 43%[1] of people will actually keep their resolutions past February? To help you avoid this fate, we’ve put together five career New Year resolution ideas with our tips on how to maintain them!
Learn a new skill
If you’re looking to sharpen your language skills, master a particular software system, or become an expert at a specific aspect of your role, make learning a new skill is your resolution! First step: Get specific. Think about exactly what you want to learn, how you want to learn it and in what timeframe before you write that target down. It may help to stick up a visual reminder around your desk so you can refer to it when you need a reminder or motivation. It’s also important to construct manageable goals within a measurable time, as there’s no use deciding to become fluent in German without giving yourself a time frame. A word to the wise – try to focus on only one goal, as having multiple focuses may throw off your progress!
This is a great resolution if you’re looking for a new job in London, or hoping to expand your professional circle. One quick Google search will reveal that there are hundreds of virtual networking opportunities, so there’s no excuse not to attend regularly. A few places to start include the app Meetup, findnetworkevents.com, or even on social channels like Facebook groups. In order to make these events worthwhile, have a goal after every session, like gaining a new connection on LinkedIn.

Find a work mentor
With this New Year resolution, aim to find a role model within your business or elsewhere, that you look up to. Figure out what you need help with, then identify someone who has that skill. For example, if you’d like to progress to a leadership position within the next year, find someone who you get along with and look up to as a good leader. Start by asking your potential mentor for a coffee break Zoom chat, and follow up this initial meeting with an email with a few clear goals that you’d like to achieve together. Remember, don’t become disheartened if, over the course of the mentorship, you receive constructive criticism, as it’s all part of the process. Commit to the mentorship with regular, scheduled one-on-one meetings for best results.
This resolution sounds great in theory, but it can actually be a lot of work to prepare to ask for a promotion and successfully receive one! A good place to start is by using an appraisal or 1:1 meeting to let your manager know you’re aiming for the next step on the career ladder. This can also offer a great opportunity to discuss your paths to progress, which may include taking on a new project, mentoring someone in the team, or undertaking any necessary training. When it comes time to ask for the promotion, you’ll need to be able to prove how you’ve helped your manager and the company significantly with specific achievements and figures. Remember, a positive attitude at work and determination to do your job well won’t go unnoticed either!
If your New Year’s resolution is to find a new job but you don’t know where to start, we can help! Submit your details online today, or look at our live job listings.
[1] https://www.sundried.com/blogs/training/research-shows-43-of-people-expect-to-give-up-their-new-year-s-resolutions-by-february