Looking for a Private PA? These are our top tips to find the best

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A private PA using an iPad in the foreground while her colleagues work in the background of an office at night.

Are you in need of a private PA to help you stay on top of your busy lifestyle and schedule? Much like a professional PA or EA, a private PA can have a huge impact in helping to keep you organised at home. From managing family holidays to ensuring you’re on top of personal appointments, a private PA can do wonders for maximising your productivity in and out of the office.

That being said, finding the right candidate who can slot seamlessly into your established and busy lifestyle is no mean feat. How can you possibly tell from a short meeting if they’re the right fit for you, your family, and your staff?

1. Use the help of an expert

First thing’s first, call an expert recruiter who specialises in support recruitment and has a good understanding of the market. They will appreciate the intricacies of the role at hand and be able to start to paint a picture of the style of candidate that would best suit the needs unique to you. Wherever possible, have a face-to-face meeting and deliver a thorough brief to your recruitment consultant. If you don’t have a job description, that’s fine: it’s not unusual for us to create one. We’ll tailor a job specification to your role, complete with required skills and desired competencies. Be honest at the briefing stage with what you’re looking for. This will result in a top shortlist of candidates and minimise the wasting of your time.

2. Never assume it’s in the bag

In today’s market, make no mistake: a strong private PA will likely receive several job offers and take their pick of the bunch. Don’t assume that the candidate doesn’t have other options. With this in mind, it’s up to you to make as strong as an impression as possible. The meeting is the time to be yourself, be honest with the candidate about what they can expect from the role, and try and establish if you’re both likely to be a good fit for one another.

3. Keep the dialogue conversational

To get the best out of the interview, keep it conversational rather than make it feel like a one-sided panel meeting. This will keep you both relaxed and encourage a more natural flow of conversation and questions, enabling you to quickly ascertain if you’re a strong personality fit. A Private PA will naturally play a more significant role in your home and professional life, so it’s that much more important to ensure the cultural alignment is there from the start.

4. Introduce your PA to the team

If your private PA is likely to spend time with your family, professional or household staff, it will pay to have them take part in the interview process too. Collecting everyone’s views will help to establish a well-informed decision.

5. Secure your references

Once you’ve selected your favourite candidate, ask for a minimum of two references. If there are any residual concerns, this is the time to address and relieve your doubts. From there, you can confidently move forward to the offer stage!

The employment market moves quickly and increasingly, we’re seeing the strongest candidates hired in record timeframes. Avoid missing out on the best Private PAs by making the time in your diary for first and second stage interviews, trying not to leave more than a week between them if you possibly can.

Are you looking for a new Private PA? Get in touch with Tiger today.

Author Tiger Contributor Tiger Recruitment Team

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