Employer Branding: How You Can Set your Business Apart

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It is now widely understood that job loyalty is a thing of the past, especially among millennials who are rethinking the role of work in their lives. The latest Deloitte Millennial survey revealed that 62% of millennials say work is central to their identity, work/life balance is something they are striving for. Having a good work/life balance is the top trait they admire in their peers, and they top consideration when choosing a new employer [1]

This approach to working represents a serious challenge to businesses’ employment strategies.

It’s now widely understood that by 2025 Millennials will represent 75% of the global workforce [2] so it’s absolutely a concern worth addressing. When most young professionals choose to work for organisations that share their personal values, these latest stats present great opportunities for an employer brand to engage with talented existing and prospective employees.

And the good news?

You don’t need a big budget (or ping pong tables) to take a step in improving your employer brand.

Tone of voice

Gone are the days of preachy language, a ceremonial ‘yours sincerely’ and formal communication practices. If you want to attract great talent, start speaking to them in a language they will appreciate and understand. Consider a tone of voice that’s approachable and genuine. Imagine the questions that jobseekers are likely to want to ask, and answer them head-on. It may also be worth asking recent starters for their opinions on how your business communicates compared to others.

Social media

The existence and dominance of social media in our lives mean it’s never been easier to engage and interact with your existing and prospective employees. In a world where two-way conversations have become increasingly important and authenticity is key, social media provides brands a huge opportunity to positively engage with candidates. Depending on your business’s size, you may already have corporate business handles. If you don’t, create them and get communicating.

Your people

When it comes to your employer brand in recruiting new staff, your current employees are your best brand ambassadors. Look after them, treat them well and they’ll tell the world about it. A proud employee who enjoys their work will share your business’s achievements with their friends, families and online. Those testimonials are priceless and are undoubtedly your most powerful marketing tool.

Have clear values

According to PWC’s 2020 Millennials at work survey 88% of millennials said they would choose employers who have corporate social responsibility (CSR) values that reflect their own  and 86% would consider leaving an employer if CSR values no longer matched their expectations[3]. Review and communicate your business’s carbon footprint, CSR programs, and the ways in which you positively impact the lives of your consumers. These principles could potentially make or break the decision by a person looking to work for you.

What next? What’s the retention strategy?

If you’ve successfully attracted great talent, congrats! Now for the long-term retention. Your employees want to learn, and they’re looking for inspirational leaders. Most would prefer to work with subject matter experts who work as hard as they do. Employ the best, and put in place leadership programs or succession plans to ensure clear progression opportunities.

Be prepared to be flexible. Increasingly, emerging generations value their contribution to their employer not by the hours they put in, but by the quality of their output. Work-life balance has never been more important. Take cues from the likes of Amex, who have put in place a Bluework program that connects different work styles to workplaces (they’ve also saved millions on real estate).

The perception of your employer brand depends on much more than promotional advertising and bonus packages. Think about how the above points can be dovetailed into a long-term business strategy and you’ll undoubtedly reap the rewards of a talented and loyal workforce for years to come.

Looking to employ someone new? Get in touch today. If you’re looking for more guidance, check out our interview guide for the best candidate selection.


[1] https://www.deloitte.com/global/en/issues/work/content/genzmillennialsurvey.html?id=gb:2pm:3dp:4genzandmillennialsurvey2023:5:6hc:20230530::search&gclid=CjwKCAjw8symBhAqEiwAaTA__GLGgttzq7xbZ5-yDgmP2DO26ECsyVGX3mhvIHFh0kr_GftA9t7tpBoCzWkQAvD_BwE
[2] https://teamstage.io/millennials-in-the-workplace-statistics/
[3] https://pwc.blogs.com/files/millennials-at-work.pdf
Author Jane Leese Tiger Recruitment Team

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