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A close up on a close protection officer’s earpiece while he’s working a job outside, protecting the principal who hired him.

Bodyguard and close security protection jobs in London and beyond

Tiger Private recruits for a range of permanent and temporary close protection jobs based in London and abroad. With a diverse set of responsibilities, revolving around ensuring the safety of an UHNWI and their family, it can be rewarding career opportunity for those interested in security and surveillance.

Close protection, or bodyguard jobs, exist in a variety of contexts, providing security detail to diplomats, dignitaries, royalty, celebrities, politicians and other high-profile individuals and families. Within this remit, responsibilities include travel planning, protection of individual and anyone travelling with them on foot and in transit and crisis management. This could include responding to medical emergencies, communicating with family members and establishing relationships with local authorities.

Candidates looking to work in a close protection job require a number of qualifications, including first aid (FPOSI), BTEC Level 3 Close Protection training and SIA Front Line Close Protection Licence.

Latest close protection jobs

If you are looking for a role as a CPO, check out our latest jobs below, or refer to our full listing of vacancies.

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What makes a great close protection officer

A successful close protection officer (CPO) needs to have a wide set of skills in order to address the sheer variety of role requirements. Therefore, those looking for a close protection officer job should be alert, discreet, attentive and have an exceptional attention to detail. They should have a comprehensive understanding of logistics and security measures, as well as advanced organisational and communication skills.

As many CPO jobs involve international travel, a CPO should also be flexible, able to travel at short notice.

Technology and close protection

As security systems become more advanced, it is becoming increasingly necessary for close protection officers to be comfortable with operating complex security technology. This includes CCTV, mobile surveillance, laser breakers, fingerprint technology and automated furniture, such as custom front doors.

If you are looking for a bodyguard job, it is worth staying up to date on the latest trends in security technology so that you can assist your principal with their requirements.

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